SEO Tools

Working smarter and faster with SEO starts with the right tools.

It’s amazing how much difference you get your work done when you make use of them. Below is the list of fast, free, and easy-to-use SEO tools. I hope you find one or more that you can put to good use today or in the future. Let’s get started.

Google Analytics provides a lot of handy data about websites such as the number of site visits, traffic sources, and location demographics. With the detailed information from Google Analytics, digital marketers can tweak their content strategy and figure out what works and what doesn’t.

Answer the Public is a nifty tool that provides content marketers with valuable data about the questions people ask online. This data gives content creators insight into the concerns and desires of potential customers and enables them to craft highly targeted content that addresses those needs.

MozBar provides easy access to the Page and Domain Authority scores of any page or site. The Page Analysis feature lets you explore elements on any page like markup, page title, link metrics, etc. If you need to do detailed SEO research on the go, this tool is one of the best options to consider.

SEMrush shows detailed information about the keywords used for ranking including their position in SERPs. With this feature packed tool, you can easily find out what keywords your competitors are ranking for and craft great content around those terms and phrases.

Keyworddit is a free tool that sources keywords from subreddits on Reddit and provides context – a list of threads where a particular keyword was used. It is very easy to use and provides valuable insight into the interests of specific audiences.

Woorank is a handy website analyzer that provides useful insights that can help you improve your site’s SEO. It generates an SEO score for your site and an actionable “Marketing Checklist,” which outlines steps you can take to fix any problems with your site’s SEO.

Mobile-Friendly Test tool is designed to help you determine if your site is correctly optimized for smartphones and tablets. You just type in your site’s URL, and it will plainly inform you whether your website is mobile-friendly. The tool also offers suggestions on how you can improve the mobile-friendliness of your site.

Ubersuggest is a simple keyword research tool that scrapes data from Google’s Keyword Planner for keyword ideas based on a keyword you provide. One of its excellent features is its ability to filter out keywords that you’re not interested in from search results.

BROWSEO helps you figure out if Google’s bot has any difficulty accessing important content on your site. A neat feature of this free SEO tool is the SERP preview. This shows a preview of how your site appears in the search results. You can see if your titles and meta descriptions are adequately optimized and make changes as needed.

CanIRank lets you know the probability that you’ll rank for a search term and uses AI to give you suggestions on how to better target keywords. CanIRank provides great competitive analysis data and actionable steps to get your site ranking higher with better SEO.

Check My Links is a nifty Chrome Extension that will crawl through your webpage and identify the status code for each link on the page – including broken links. Each status code is color coded with 200 status codes returning dark green, 300 status codes light green, and 400 status codes returning red. Once identified, you can then copy all bad links to your clipboard with one click.


There are numerous free SEO tools such as the ones above that are available to SEO newbies and digital marketers on a tight budget. These tools offer a lot of great features and when used properly, can produce remarkable results. Find a tool that works for you and make the best of it.



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